Posts Tagged ‘Willemstad’


Posted on: January 25th, 2023 by Michael Winklaar No Comments

Het Algemeen Pensioenfonds van Curaçao (APC) en de Stichting Monumentenfonds Curaçao
hebben eind 2022 een samenwerkingsovereenkomst getekend. Het gaat hierbij om een
nieuwe dienstverlening waarbij de Stichting Monumentenfonds Curaçao niet optreedt als
subsidieverstrekker of zorgdraagt voor de restauratiefinanciering, maar de klant ontzorgt
door bouwkundige en technische advisering bij de restauratie van hun monument.

Momenteel werken de partijen samen aan de renovatie van het ‘NAAM-gebouw’ te Johan van
Walbeeckplein 6b en 13 in het historische stadsdeel Pietermaai. Dit monument uit 1943, ook
wel bekend als ‘Het Cultureel Centrum’ of ‘De Oude Leeszaal’, is kenmerkend voor haar
architectuur in de stijl van Moderne Beweging (Art Deco). Tegenwoordig kent men het gebouw
ook als de huisvesting van de Stichting NAAM die het oostelijke deel van het pand huurt van
APC. Na de huidige restauratiewerkzaamheden zal het westelijke deel van het gebouw weer
worden verhuurd.


Algemeen Pensioenfonds van Curaçao (APC) i Stichting Monumentenfonds Curaçao na fin di e
aña tras di lomba a firma un akuerdo di kolaborashon. Ta trata akí di un dunamentu di
servisio nobo den kua Stichting Monumentenfonds Curaçao no ta aktua komo suministradó
di supsidio ni ta enkargá ku finansiamentu di e restorashon, sino e ta aliviá e kliente ku
asesoramentu di konseho arkitektóniko i tékniko durante restorashon di e monumento.

Aktualmente e partidonan ta trahando huntu riba renobashon di e edifisio ‘NAAM’ na Johan
van Walbeeckplein 6b i 13 den e distrito históriko Pietermaai. E monumento akí di 1943, konosí
tambe komo Sentro Kultural òf ‘De Oude Leeszaal’, ta karakterisá pa su arkitektura den e estilo
di Movementu Moderno (Art Deco). Awendia e edifisio ta konosí tambe komo alohamentu di
fundashon ‘NAAM’ ku ta hür e parti ost (pariba) di e edifisio serka APC. Despues di e trabounan
di restorashon aktual, lo hür e parti wèst (pabou) di e edifisio tambe.

Monumento Habrí 2022

Posted on: December 2nd, 2022 by Michael Winklaar No Comments

Monumento Habrf ’22 ta tuma luga e aña aki den ‘Stegengebied’ na Otrobanda. Te asina leu ku hende por korda, e area aki yama Ref of Otrobanda Abou. Ref ta situa entre Breedestraat i Pater Euwensweg, i tambe mas o menos pariba di Sint Elisabeth Hospitaal i pabou di e subida pa Julianabrug, esta Arubastraat.

De Monumento Habri ’22 (Open Monumentendag ’22) vindt dit jaar plaats in het Stegengebied in Otro­banda. Van oudsher heet dit gebied Rif of Otrobanda Abou. Rif Hgt tussen de Breedestraat en de Pater Euwensweg en verder ruwweg ten oosten van het Sint Elisabeth Hospitaal en westelijk van de oprit naar de Julianabrug, de Arubastraat.

Monumento Habri ’22 (Open Monument Day ’22) will take place in Otrobanda’s Reef Area. Reef (Rif) is located between Breedestraat and Pater Euwensweg and roughly east of the (former) St. Elisabeth Hospital and west of the Juliana Bridge ramp, the Arubastraat.

Monumento Habrí 2022

Posted on: December 2nd, 2022 by Michael Winklaar No Comments


Posted on: October 19th, 2022 by Michael Winklaar No Comments

Willemstad – Curaçao is rightfully proud of its UNESCO listed World Heritage Site of the Historic Area of Willemstad Inner City, and Harbour. There is a strong commitment by the public, private, and NGO communities in Curaçao to seeing that these heritage areas are as economically, socially, and culturally vibrant as possible. 

To explore approaches to historic area revitalization, the Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency and IHS, a Rotterdam-based urban management and housing institute, have teamed up with the US firm Heritage Strategies International (HSI) to provide a week-long Masterclass called World Heritage meets Main Street, held from Tuesday 18 until Friday 21 October 2022. 

This Masterclass is a follow-up of the Course on Urban Heritage Strategies for World Heritage Cities, as conducted in 2020 and 2021 in the Netherlands. That training through the Urban Heritage Strategies course included Curacao professionals who had an enthusiastic reaction to the course. Stichting Monumentenfonds, a Curaçao NGO, on the occasion of their 30th anniversary, is hosting and coordinating the Masterclass.

Main Street is a program originally created by the US National Trust for Historic Preservation and provides a framework for economic development within the context of heritage resources. It is a comprehensive, incremental approach to heritage-based economic development through the “Four Points” of Organization, Design, Promotions, and Economic Vitality. 

Main Street has been called the most cost-effective approach to economic development of any type that exists in the United States and has a 40-year success story with participation of more than 2500 communities. This Masterclass is the first time ever that the Main Street Approach has been presented in the context of a World Heritage Site.

The Masterclass is very interactive, with the participants ultimately identifying both challenges and recommendations for commercial areas within the World Heritage Site. Faculty for the Masterclass includes Donovan Rypkema, President of Heritage Strategies International along with HSI colleagues Rodney Swink, Senior Associate for Planning and Development, and Katlyn Cotton, the firm’s Director of Communication and Design. They are be joined by Nanette de Jong, architectural consultant at the Dutch Heritage Agency, and Remco Vermeulen, Course coordinator for the Urban Heritage Strategies program at IHS. Presentations are also given by Curaçao experts to provide the local context for the Main Street approach.

Almost forty local professionals and students are participating in this intensive, interactive masterclass. By the end of the week, they will have developed recommendations for the designated areas for the immediate, short-term, and medium-term actions which will be presented on Friday, October 21st.

Minister of VVRP, mr. Charles Cooper
President of Heritage Strategies International, Donovan Rypkema
Sector Director of VVRP, Caroline Manuel
Manage Director of Stichting Monumentenfonds Curaçao, ir. Jonathan Jukema